During this time of year many of you are out there putting in the miles and the hours - many of which are not in the most pleasant of conditions. Its cold, rainy, windy, overcast, snowy - sometimes JUST PLAIN MISERABLE! Trust me, I've had those rides (very recently!)....but base miles are crucial because its this time of year when the 'foundation' is laid for the rest of the season. Whenever you're thinking of an excuse to not get outside, just realize that the person who beats you in June (or whenever) - they didn't use that excuse!
In order to help make some of these cold and miserable workouts a little more bearable, we've developed a 'Muscle Recovery Soak' for use after your workouts. One of our previous blog entries was about the benefits of soaking in Epsom Salts. We explained that the magnesium is helpful in reducing inflammation and relieving pain. Well, we've made this 'Muscle Recovery Soak' with some enhanced features - all to help you 'RecoverBetter'..... besides Epsom Salt, we've added Dead Sea Salt, Eucalyptus, and Peppermint Oil.
Just add about 8 oz. (1/4 of container) to a warm bath or whirlpool and soak for at least 15 minutes.